20 Funny Things to Say When a Girl Rejects You

20 Funny Things to Say When a Girl Rejects You

Rejection is a universal experience that can be awkward, uncomfortable, and downright disheartening. However, approaching it with a touch of humor can not only lighten the mood but also showcase resilience and charm. In this article, we explore “20 Funny Things to Say When a Girl Rejects You” witty and lighthearted responses that not only salvage your dignity but might even leave a lasting impression.

Table of Contents

20 Funny Things to Say When a Girl Rejects You

  • “Well, I guess my psychic told me wrong about us being the perfect match!”
  • “No worries, I’m used to getting rejected by job applications too. At least you didn’t ask for a resume.”
  • “Rejected? That’s okay, I heard superheroes always get a ‘no’ before they save the day.”
  • “Is it cool if I put you down as a reference for my next attempt?”
  • “I must have mistaken you for someone who has impeccable taste. My bad!”
  • “I guess my charm settings need an upgrade. Back to the drawing board!”
  • “It’s alright, I’ll just add ‘expert in handling rejection’ to my resume.”
  • “So, is this where I insert a witty comeback, or should I just gracefully exit with my dignity intact?”
  • “Rejected? That’s fine, I was practicing my resilience today anyway.”
  • “Well, that’s a shame. My mom said we would make a cute couple.”
  • “Rejected? I was just testing your decision-making skills. You passed!”
  • “You’re missing out on free dad jokes, but it’s your loss.”
  • “I guess I’ll have to return this engagement ring I just bought in my imagination.”
  • “No worries, I’ll just go cry in my pillow… made of confidence and self-love.”
  • “Rejected? This feels like getting denied by a unicorn. Rare and magical.”
  • “I was going to invite you to the grand opening of my heart, but I guess you have other plans.”
  • “I’m not crying, I’m just allergic to rejection.”
  • “Rejected? I was aiming for ‘charmingly persistent,’ but I guess I overshot.”
  • “Looks like my pickup lines are in need of a software update. Thanks for the debug session.”
  • “Rejected? Good thing I have a black belt in emotional karate, I’ll roll with the punches.”

1. “Well, I guess my psychic told me wrong about us being the perfect match!”

Well, I guess my psychic told me wrong about us being the perfect match!

In this response, the person is making a joke about having a psychic who predicted they would be a perfect match with the girl who rejected them. They playfully acknowledge the unpredictability of dating and humorously suggest that the psychic’s prediction didn’t quite pan out as expected. This light-hearted approach adds a touch of wit to the situation, turning what could be an awkward moment into a shared laugh, and potentially easing any tension. It’s a way to gracefully handle rejection with a bit of humor.

2. “No worries, I’m used to getting rejected by job applications too. At least you didn’t ask for a resume.”

In this response, the person is making a comparison between romantic rejection and the experience of job hunting. By mentioning that they’re used to getting rejected by job applications, they inject humor into the situation. The remark about not being asked for a resume adds a clever twist, suggesting that the rejection wasn’t as formal or demanding as a job interview. This light-hearted approach helps create a relatable and amusing connection between the two experiences, making the rejection easier to handle with a shared laugh.

3. “Rejected? That’s okay, I heard superheroes always get a ‘no’ before they save the day.”

This playful response compares the experience of being rejected to the challenges superheroes face before saving the day. By saying, “That’s okay, I heard superheroes always get a ‘no’ before they save the day,” the person is using humor to put a positive spin on the situation. The idea is that even superheroes face obstacles before achieving success, and in a light-hearted way, it suggests that this rejection is just a small hurdle on the path to something great. It adds a whimsical touch to the conversation, making light of the rejection and emphasizing resilience.

4. “Is it cool if I put you down as a reference for my next attempt?”

In this witty response, the person humorously suggests using the one who rejected them as a reference for their next romantic attempt. By saying, “Is it cool if I put you down as a reference for my next attempt?” they cleverly turn the rejection into a playful request for support in future endeavors. The humor lies in the irony of asking for a reference after being turned down, adding a light and positive tone to the situation. It’s a creative way to navigate rejection while keeping the atmosphere friendly and upbeat.

5. “I must have mistaken you for someone who has impeccable taste. My bad!”

In this response, the person playfully admits to a misjudgment by saying, “I must have mistaken you for someone who has impeccable taste. My bad!” By using humor and self-deprecation, they turn the rejection into a light-hearted comment about the girl’s supposed “impeccable taste.” This approach not only acknowledges the rejection but also adds a touch of charm and wit to the conversation. It’s a way of gracefully accepting the situation while keeping the atmosphere friendly and humorous.

6. “I guess my charm settings need an upgrade. Back to the drawing board!”

I guess my charm settings need an upgrade. Back to the drawing board!

In this response, the person uses a humorous analogy by saying, “I guess my charm settings need an upgrade. Back to the drawing board!” By likening charm to a technological feature that can be upgraded, they add a contemporary and playful twist to the situation. This response humorously portrays the pursuit of charm as an ongoing project, suggesting that they are willing to fine-tune their approach in the world of dating. It adds a lighthearted tone to the conversation, making light of the rejection and emphasizing a willingness to learn and adapt.

7. “It’s alright, I’ll just add ‘expert in handling rejection’ to my resume.”

In this response, the person cleverly handles rejection by saying, “It’s alright, I’ll just add ‘expert in handling rejection’ to my resume.” By humorously framing the experience as a skill to be added to their resume, they showcase resilience and make light of the situation. This response not only diffuses any potential awkwardness but also subtly highlights the ability to cope with setbacks with a positive attitude. It adds a touch of self-deprecating humor while emphasizing the strength of character in handling challenging moments.

8. “So, is this where I insert a witty comeback, or should I just gracefully exit with my dignity intact?”

This response showcases a sense of humor and self-awareness by saying, “So, is this where I insert a witty comeback, or should I just gracefully exit with my dignity intact?” By playfully acknowledging the need for a clever response, the person adds a touch of sophistication to the situation. The phrase “gracefully exit with my dignity intact” suggests a willingness to accept the rejection with composure and good humor. It leaves room for a lighthearted banter and allows the conversation to end on a positive note.

9. “Rejected? That’s fine, I was practicing my resilience today anyway.”

In this response, the person transforms the experience of rejection into an opportunity for personal growth by saying, “Rejected? That’s fine, I was practicing my resilience today anyway.” By framing the rejection as a practice session for resilience, they showcase a positive and resilient attitude. This response not only adds a touch of humor to the situation but also emphasizes the ability to bounce back from setbacks. It sends the message that setbacks are viewed as opportunities for personal development, turning what could be an awkward moment into a reflection of strength and resilience.

10. “Well, that’s a shame. My mom said we would make a cute couple.”

This response adds a playful and endearing touch to the situation by saying, “Well, that’s a shame. My mom said we would make a cute couple.” By bringing in the opinion of a family member, in this case, the mom, the person injects a relatable and lighthearted element into the conversation. The humor lies in the contrast between the rejection and the playful reference to a family member’s approval, adding warmth and charm to the interaction. It’s a clever way to lighten the mood and create a shared laugh, even in the face of rejection.

11. “Rejected? I was just testing your decision-making skills. You passed!”

This response cleverly flips the situation by saying, “Rejected? I was just testing your decision-making skills. You passed!” By turning the rejection into a playful test, the person adds a surprising and amusing element to the interaction. The humor lies in the reversal of roles, as if the rejection was part of a deliberate test conducted by the speaker. This approach lightens the mood and introduces a playful dynamic to the conversation, showcasing a witty and light-hearted response to the rejection.

12. “You’re missing out on free dad jokes, but it’s your loss.”

You're missing out on free dad jokes, but it's your loss.

In this response, the person takes a light-hearted approach to the rejection by saying, “You’re missing out on free dad jokes, but it’s your loss.” By offering a humorous incentive with the mention of “free dad jokes,” the person playfully suggests that the rejection means missing out on shared laughter and good times. This response maintains a positive and jovial atmosphere, highlighting the importance of humor in relationships. It subtly communicates that despite the rejection, the speaker is resilient and capable of finding joy in the situation.

13. “I guess I’ll have to return this engagement ring I just bought in my imagination.”

This response adds a whimsical and playful touch to the situation by saying, “I guess I’ll have to return this engagement ring I just bought in my imagination.” By humorously referencing an imaginary engagement, the person creates a shared joke that lightens the mood. The playfulness in this response helps to defuse any potential awkwardness that may come with rejection. It’s a creative way to acknowledge the rejection while maintaining a lighthearted and humorous atmosphere in the conversation.

14. “No worries, I’ll just go cry in my pillow… made of confidence and self-love.”

In this response, the person cleverly flips the narrative on emotional reactions by saying, “No worries, I’ll just go cry in my pillow… made of confidence and self-love.” By humorously suggesting that their tears are made of confidence and self-love, the person adds a playful twist to the rejection. This response showcases a resilient and self-assured attitude, turning what could be a disheartening moment into an opportunity to highlight inner strength and positivity. It injects humor into the situation while subtly emphasizing the importance of self-love and confidence in navigating the ups and downs of dating.

15. “Rejected? This feels like getting denied by a unicorn. Rare and magical.”

In this response, the person uses a touch of fantasy and exaggeration to add a whimsical element to the rejection by saying, “Rejected? This feels like getting denied by a unicorn. Rare and magical.” By comparing the rejection to being denied by a unicorn, which is often considered rare and mythical, the person playfully emphasizes the uniqueness of the situation. This humorous approach not only lightens the mood but also adds a creative and imaginative twist to the conversation, making the rejection feel less serious and more like a fantastical occurrence.

16. “I was going to invite you to the grand opening of my heart, but I guess you have other plans.”

This response adds a theatrical and humorous flair to the rejection by saying, “I was going to invite you to the grand opening of my heart, but I guess you have other plans.” By framing the rejection as a missed opportunity for a grand gesture, such as the “grand opening of my heart,” the person injects a playful and exaggerated element into the conversation. This response maintains a light-hearted tone and subtly emphasizes the idea that the rejection is viewed with a sense of humor rather than disappointment.

17. “I’m not crying, I’m just allergic to rejection.”

In this response, the person uses humor to downplay emotional reactions by saying, “I’m not crying, I’m just allergic to rejection.” By humorously attributing any potential emotional response to an “allergy to rejection,” the person adds a self-aware and relatable touch to the situation. This response lightens the mood, acknowledging the common experience of facing rejection while maintaining a playful and witty tone. It’s a clever way to make light of the moment and showcase resilience in the face of setbacks.

18. “Rejected? I was aiming for ‘charmingly persistent,’ but I guess I overshot.”

Rejected? I was aiming for 'charmingly persistent,' but I guess I overshot."

This response adds a self-reflective and humorous layer to the interaction by saying, “Rejected? I was aiming for ‘charmingly persistent,’ but I guess I overshot.” By playfully acknowledging a potential misjudgment in their approach, the person not only diffuses any potential tension but also showcases a level of self-awareness. The use of humor in admitting to overshooting the mark adds a light-hearted touch to the situation, making it clear that the person is taking the rejection in stride and maintaining a positive and playful attitude.

19. “Looks like my pickup lines are in need of a software update. Thanks for the debug session.”

In this response, the person injects a bit of tech humor to suggest a light-hearted approach to refining their dating strategy by saying, “Looks like my pickup lines are in need of a software update. Thanks for the debug session.” By comparing their pickup lines to a software program that requires debugging, the person humorously acknowledges room for improvement. This response turns the rejection into a constructive and playful moment, suggesting that they are open to learning and refining their approach in a positive and witty manner.

20. “Rejected? Good thing I have a black belt in emotional karate; I’ll roll with the punches.”

In this final response, the person ends on a positive note by saying, “Rejected? Good thing I have a black belt in emotional karate; I’ll roll with the punches.” By playfully showcasing emotional resilience as a strength with the metaphor of a “black belt in emotional karate,” the person maintains a confident and humorous tone. This response not only lightens the mood but also communicates that they are well-equipped to handle setbacks and challenges with grace and humor. It’s a confident and light-hearted way to conclude the interaction on a positive note.


In the realm of dating, humor can be a powerful ally when faced with rejection. These 20 witty responses not only diffuse tension but also showcase resilience, charm, and a positive attitude. Remember, a good laugh can turn an awkward moment into a shared experience, setting the stage for more meaningful connections in the future. So, the next time rejection knocks on your door, let humor be your guide to navigating the unpredictable journey of love.

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