20 Best Responses You Can Use When A Girl Says Good Boy

20 Best Responses You Can Use When A Girl Says Good Boy

In the ever-evolving landscape of social dynamics, the way we communicate has taken center stage. From casual banter to more intimate conversations, every word holds weight. Responding to compliments, especially when she says, “Good boy,” is an art that can leave a lasting impression. Let’s explore 20 responses that not only showcase your charm but also make her smile.

20 Responses You Can Use When A Girl Says Good Boy

  1. “Thanks just trying to impress you!”
  2. “Well you know I learned from the best (You).”
  3. “I aim to please!”
  4. “I guess I have my moments.”
  5. “Glad you noticed I’ve been practicing.”
  6. “Must be your positive influence rubbing off on me.”
  7. “Only because you bring out the best in me.”
  8. “High praise coming from you!”
  9. “Just doing my best to keep up with you.”
  10. “I have a great motivator – you!”
  11. “I learned from the master herself.”
  12. “Trying to live up to your standards.”
  13. “The credit goes to you for being my inspiration.”
  14. “Well, I have an excellent teacher, don’t I?”
  15. “Your approval means a lot to me.”
  16. “Thanks but you’re the one who deserves the credit.”
  17. “I guess I’ve got a good coach.”
  18. “Just doing my best to stay on your good side.”
  19. “Coming from you, that’s a real compliment.”
  20. “Thanks but I think you’re the one who’s truly amazing.”

1. “Thanks just trying to impress you!”

"Thanks just trying to impress you!"

Being straightforward and confident is key. Acknowledge the compliment while subtly expressing your intentions – to impress her.

“Hey, thanks! I’m just doing my best to make you think I’m cool or impressive. Your opinion means a lot to me so I want to show you that I can be good at things. It’s like when you want to make someone happy or proud of you, you know?”

2. “Well you know I learned from the best.”

Inject a bit of humor by attributing your ‘good boy’ status to learning from the best – her. It shows playfulness and flattery.

“Thanks! I’ve learned from someone really great and that’s you! You’ve taught me a lot and I try to use those lessons in everything I do. So, if I’m doing well it’s because I’ve had an awesome teacher like you.”

3. “I aim to please!”

Indicate that her approval is your goal. It adds a touch of sincerity and highlights your eagerness to make her happy.

“Thanks! I always try my best to make sure you’re happy or satisfied. When I say ‘I aim to please,’ I mean I want to do things that make you feel good or happy with what I do. Your happiness is important to me.”

4. “I guess I have my moments.”

I guess I have my moments.

Playfully acknowledge that being a ‘good boy’ isn’t an all-encompassing trait, leaving room for a light-hearted conversation.

“Haha, thanks! I suppose there are times when things just click for me and everything falls into place. I’m glad you noticed those moments. It’s nice to know that I can have my shining moments and it means a lot that you see them too.”

5. “Glad you noticed, I’ve been practicing.”

Turn the compliment into an opportunity to showcase your dedication and effort, adding an element of self-improvement.

“Thank you! I’ve been putting in some effort and practice, so it’s great that you noticed. Your recognition makes the hard work worth it. It’s always good to know that my efforts are paying off and I’m really happy you can see the improvement.”

6. “Must be your positive influence rubbing off on me.”

Attribute your ‘good boy’ behavior to her positive influence, emphasizing the impact she has on you.

“Thanks! I think your positive influence is really making a difference. Being around someone like you who brings out the best in me, has a way of rubbing off. So, if I’m doing well it’s probably because I’ve got your positivity inspiring me. I appreciate that a lot!”

7. “Only because you bring out the best in me.”

Highlight the idea that she has a unique ability to bring out your best qualities, making the compliment more meaningful.

“Thanks! I believe it’s because you bring out the best in me. Your support, encouragement, and the way you inspire me make a significant impact. So, when I do something good it’s often because you’ve helped bring out those positive qualities in me. I appreciate that about you.”

8. “High praise coming from you!”

High praise coming from you!

Acknowledge her compliment with gratitude, recognizing that her approval holds significant value.

“Wow, thank you! Your words mean a lot, especially since they’re coming from someone I really admire. When you give high praise it makes me feel really good because I respect your opinion. It’s like getting a gold star from the best judge and I appreciate it!”

9. “Just doing my best to keep up with you.”

Playfully suggest that being a ‘good boy’ is a challenge when trying to match up to her standards, creating a light-hearted exchange.

“Thanks! I feel like I’m just trying to keep up with someone as awesome as you. You set the bar high and I want to make sure I’m doing my best to match your greatness. So, if I’m doing well it’s probably because I’m following your lead. You inspire me to be better!”

10. “I have a great motivator – you!”

Express that she serves as your motivation, turning the compliment into a sweet acknowledgment of her influence.

“Thank you! You’re my motivation. Knowing I have someone as amazing as you cheering me on makes a big difference. When I’m doing well it’s often because I have you in mind and I want to make you proud. Your support pushes me to do my best and I appreciate that more than you know!”

11. “I learned from the master herself.”

Inject humor by acknowledging her as the ‘master,’ adding a playful twist to the compliment.

“Haha, thank you! When I say I learned from the master herself I mean I’ve had an incredible teacher and that’s you! Your wisdom, guidance, and expertise have been my inspiration. So, any success I achieve is because I’ve had the privilege of learning from someone as skilled and knowledgeable as you.”

12. “Trying to live up to your standards.”

Trying to live up to your standards.

Show that you’re conscious of meeting her standards, turning the compliment into a shared goal.

“Thanks! I’m always trying my best to live up to the high standards you set. Your expectations motivate me to work hard and do well. If I’m meeting those standards it’s because your influence encourages me to strive for excellence. I appreciate having someone like you to look up to!”

13. “The credit goes to you for being my inspiration.”

Attribute your ‘good boy’ status to her being an inspiration, emphasizing her positive impact on your behavior.

“Thank you! If I’m doing well and the credit really goes to you for being my inspiration. Your positive influence and the way you lead by example have motivated me to push myself. So, any success I achieve is a reflection of the inspiration I draw from you. I’m grateful for your impact on me.”

14. “Well, I have an excellent teacher, don’t I?”

Playfully position her as the teacher, creating a dynamic where the compliment becomes a part of your ongoing ‘lessons.’

“Haha, thanks! I do have an excellent teacher and that’s you! Your guidance and expertise have played a big role in any success I’ve had. So, when things go well it’s because I’ve had the privilege of learning from someone as knowledgeable and skilled as you. I appreciate the lessons you’ve shared with me!”

15. “Your approval means a lot to me.”

Express genuine gratitude, highlighting the significance of her approval in a straightforward manner.

“Thank you! Your approval really means a lot to me. Knowing that you appreciate what I do makes my efforts feel worthwhile. Your support is important and it motivates me to continue doing my best. I value your opinion, so your approval is like a boost of confidence for me. I appreciate it!”

16. “Thanks but you’re the one who deserves the credit.”

Thanks but you're the one who deserves the credit.

Shift the focus to her, emphasizing that she’s the reason for your ‘good boy’ moments.

Thank you but honestly you’re the one who deserves the credit. Your encouragement, guidance, and support have played a significant role in any success I’ve achieved. I appreciate you acknowledging it but it’s your influence that has made a difference in my journey. So, credit where credit is due – it’s all thanks to you!”

17. “I guess I’ve got a good coach.”

Playfully imply that she’s the coach behind your ‘good boy’ skills, adding a touch of humor.

“Haha, thanks! I suppose I’ve got a good coach and that’s you! Your guidance and support have been like having a skilled coach by my side. If I’m doing well it’s because of the valuable lessons and encouragement you’ve provided. I appreciate having someone as awesome as you in my corner.”

18. “Just doing my best to stay on your good side.”

Turn the compliment into a playful commitment to staying in her good graces, creating a light-hearted exchange.

“Thanks! I’m just doing my best to stay on your good side. Your opinion matters a lot to me and I want to make sure I’m always making you proud. So, if I’m doing well it’s because I value our relationship and I’m striving to be someone you can count on and be proud of. Your support means a great deal to me.”

19. “Coming from you that’s a real compliment.”

Acknowledge the uniqueness of her compliment, emphasizing its significance in a sincere manner.

“Thank you! Coming from you that’s a real compliment. Your opinion holds a special place for me so when you say something nice it truly means a lot. I value your judgment and your kind words make me feel appreciated and encouraged. I’m grateful for your positive thoughts!”

20. “Thanks but I think you’re the one who’s truly amazing.”

Thanks but I think you're the one who's truly amazing.

Conclude with a genuine compliment, expressing admiration and turning the conversation into a mutual exchange of positivity.

Thank you! I appreciate the compliment but I genuinely think you’re the one who’s truly amazing. Your kindness, talents, and the way you inspire others make a lasting impact. So, while I’m grateful for your words I want you to know that I see your awesomeness and admire you just as much. You’re the real star!”

In conclusion, mastering the art of responding to “Good boy” requires a blend of confidence, humor, and genuine appreciation. These 20 responses not only showcase your personality but also contribute to creating memorable and engaging conversations. So, the next time she commends you, seize the opportunity to leave a lasting impression with your witty comeback.

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